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Welcome to Buffalo


Today’s anecdote is about the fun and fantastic flight I had with Frontier while voyaging out east to visit family. Now I know what you are thinking..”did she just say fantastic and Frontier in the same sentence?” Why yes young grasshopper I did. Surprised? Well never fear, my great experience had little to do with Frontier and more to do with the electric vibes emanating from the flight patrons surrounding me in their Buffalo Bills gear. It did not take much detective work for me to know exactly who was on my flight to Buffalo. Proudly chattering around me were some very chipper chaps that excitedly boasted about their pride and joy, the one and only, Buffalo Bills NFL football team. With an upcoming home game that very weekend the airport’s aura was a glowing blue. As boarding classes got in line ready to board our delayed flight people began to boisterously look around them and cheer together “let’s go Bills!” There was barely a person that was not proudly supporting their team with a jacket, jersey, hat, sweater or some sort of swag. Slowly, their excitement and commitment to their team began to seep into my own bones and before I stepped a foot of my own on the plane I found myself knee deep in a Bills Mania of my own.

Before I knew it I was ripping open my sketchbook to a blank and ready page ready to have my pencil do its own little dance across the page to recreate the electricity that was swooshing its way through the plane. My heart so full of excitement and the feeling of being a part of something, a community I suppose, I wanted to capture the fun spirit the people fueling “Bills Mafia”. By the time I arrived in Buffalo and waved goodbye to my fellow plane mates, both my sketchbook and I were fully inducted into the Bills fan base!

So this Sunday I am proudly cheering “Let’s go Bills!”

As always,

Keep it offbeat!

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mariah schab
mariah schab
Nov 03, 2024

I’ve always said “I hate sports” and, I have my many reasons. But recently, I said to myself, “you know, I shouldn’t be so negative, there is a lot of joy around this, it’s actually pretty wholesome.” And this article is validating to that. I hope you showed them the final product <3

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