Tomorrow is my birthday and I find it harder to believe that I find myself yet another year older. Though in younger years my birthday wishes always consisted of grey hair jokes and creaky knees, I feel a cruel twist of fate as these have now become reality. Today, I thought I would take the time to reflect on the highs and lows of my 31 swirls around this hot, burning sun.
Last year I stepped bravely farther into the fine kingdom of 30dom while drinking whiskey, eating pizza and climbing in the Red River Gorge. This year I continue to trot to the higher ranks of 30dom but this time painting the walls and laying the floors of my new home. Both have been very adventurous entry’s, though the latter has me donating all my dimes and time to Home Depot. I am pleased and excited to continue this winding journey perhaps a little more wise than I was in the last (hopefully).
As I said, 31 was a big year for me. It started Kentucky bound enjoying the simple life and has ended as a proud but weary home-owner who has learned how to make drywall repairs, install faucets and wall sconces, a word Connor has just learned.
Last June we made the move most longtime locals make and found ourselves down valley. I will admit I was very unsure of how this move would fair but it ended up that we loved our new little town so much that we allowed our roots to wiggle their way deeper into its soil. From here, me and my friend joined the “Minturn Market” on Saturday’s for the summer and early fall. I have a lot to say about this experience and I plan to dedicate an entire Sunday read to my feelings on markets. I will say I am so glad that I did it, I loved spending my Saturday mornings with Mariah in our colorful tent of art and stained glass but will most definitely not be doing the market this summer. I probably should try and do a couple markets here and there to work on the skill but my days of 6am wake ups straight into late nights at work are suspended for the time being.
Fall was fab as two of my best friends got married in two awesome places. One had me going back to Vancouver Island, my favorite place in the whole world. I could not of been more pleased to see the familiar faces I loved so dearly in University. The island has magic in its air and I was delighted to take a puff. The other had us going to two places I had never been before. With a Tennessee wedding we first took the chance to stay with our friend in Asheville and do some climbing before heading to the Tennessee “holler” for the hitching!
The repercussions of our down valley move made themselves known as we started to descend into the chillier months of early winter. We both worked up valley and therefore had our wagons stitched tightly together. Reading in the parking lot while waiting was becoming a far less doable deed and I needed to find a solution. I didn’t want to wait for my shift to start after dropping Connor off at bar, cafe or really anywhere that I had to spend money, we were trying to buy a house after all.
I was at a bit of a loss until one find day I decided to stumble on into the Public Library. Game changer. This became my hub, my hotspot and my utopia. Everyday I made my way into the silent halls looking for books that would help me grow as an artist, as well as a businesswoman. I worked on my website, created my blog and read a bunch of books all in this once considered “wasted time”. I think this may have the best thing to come out of my 31st year. Though sharing a car is a MAJOR pain in the arse I at least can look forward to my time plugging away by the library fireplace gazing out their window for inspiration or ideas.
Apart from the library victory I also had some big moments as I plucked up the courage to put myself out there and ask a couple of cafes point blank if they showcase artists on their walls. I was pleased to find that 2 of them did, and so I found myself showcasing my artwork in Basalt’s Craft Coffeehouse as well as Eagle’s Red Canyon Cafe. I also reached out to Apres Cafe, who I created their logo and couple of fun designs for, to see if I could sell some of my artwork in their space. They are absolutely amazing and were incredibly supportive and happy to lend their space. All the Good Things, a local store that celebrates and sells local goods also was looking for local artists to house her walls and I was able to jump on that opportunity as well. It is exciting to say it was a massive step in exposure this year as far as finding the courage to awkwardly ask to share a little bit of your soul with these cafes and coffee lovers. I will admit, I only half mumbled my queries and did my best to look them in the eye.
Another HUGE moment this year was creating the mural for @salvagetoscenic . It was the first time I successfully applied for a mural opportunity and am still in shock with the fact that Jake picked me to give his truck a little extra swag as it makes its way across the country. I love following along his journey and seeing the amazing sights and scenes he and my artwork have made their way to. It was the first time I felt that I was apart of something bigger than creating in my closet.
This winter, as all winters do in this valley, wizzed on by in a flurry of constant work, skiing and being cold. We worked pretty much everyday in the grind to buy our apartment. Amongst this never ending cycle of ski gear to black button ups I began this blog. An incredibly fun side project that I enjoy making. I feel that it has allowed to me reflect and find the humor in my struggles and successes. It allows me to unabashedly celebrate my victories while also weave a lovely tale of my failures to allow myself to laugh instead of cry at what it is that I do wrong. It’s been a truly awesome and fun side project and once again, for the last time as a spritely 31 year old, I thank you for following along. I hope 32 has some exciting and fun things in store, if not, well then we will just have to laugh together about it.
I hope your Sunday has been slow and lazy and I hope to read along with you next week.
As always,
Keep it offbeat!